Thursday, January 23, 2014


Reincarnation is a subject that is very controversial and has caused many arguments among believers of all different religions and organizations. Some religions believe that we, as humans reincarnate from, or into animals, or other living creatures etc. Some religions believe that only human beings reincarnate over and over, many times, and become other human beings, into many different lives over long periods of time. At this present time in history well over half of the world’s population of souls, believe in the concept of reincarnation.

Reincarnation was a concept that was invented and developed to give all souls individuality. We are all extensions of the original Great God being that created all that we now know as creation. When we are first created, we have God awareness, capacity and ability, but we are virtually void of experience. If we were created earlier, than we would have more experience than young souls. Reincarnation was developed so that younger souls could catch up in experience, with the older souls. We are really created all the same, without the individual awareness, processing and character. Living multiple lives, enables us all to develop individual characters. In one lifetime we develop human character, but in many lifetimes, with our souls, we develop spiritual character. Many different life experiences create many different individual spiritual characteristics, to become who we are today. That is why, under similar circumstances or situations in life, we all react or respond differently. As a result we will all now remain unique and individual as finger prints and we all have something special to offer the world, for future advancement. In many life times we all have developed many different spiritual gifts that can and will bless humanity, if we just go with the flow. One persons weakness is another persons strength, and one persons strength, could be another persons weakness, we can help each other to greater expansion and maturity. We will help one another through Divine love and compassion, eventually without human created conditions.
There is the erroneous belief of most main-steam religions, Christian churches, and Christian believers, and others, that choose not to believe in reincarnation at all. These self proclaimed leaders have taken it upon themselves to teach that reincarnation dose not exist and that it is only a figment of our imaginations. For this assessment, they offer no proof, just shut up and believe what we tell you to believe, that is what they mostly project to their followers. And do not try to discover it yourselves or you will be lost. So then fear holds people back from personal discovery, which is the only valid route to the truth of God, and eternal salvation, since it is within you and not outside of you as many people perceive it to be.
Christian believers and organizations need to know that in the original scriptures of the bible, there was a complete book on reincarnation, but the Christian forefathers in about the fourth century, decided to leave this book out of the bible, because of their own personal beliefs and because they thought it might confuse some people. They also would be unable to explain the book and the contents with their limited understanding of the concept of reincarnation at that time. Thus the concept of reincarnation was lost within the Christian world of understanding. Most Christians today would not even know about this event.
Powerful religions also realized that if people believed in reincarnation, then they would also believe that they would be personally responsible for attaining their own salvation from God on the inside of them and would then not need the religions for their salvation or a way to God, on the outside of them. Religions, like people to believe that their outer salvation directly hinges on following the wishes and directions of the church and following the church doctrines and traditions. This concept promotes manipulation and control which works to bring in wealth and finance to keep the religions flourishing. In addition the religious leaders and their personal ego’s, enjoy the power and worship that comes along with the package.
In the bible Luke 1:17, When the angel of the Lord spoke to Zechariahs about John the Baptist and who he was, it states that, “ John the Baptist came in the spirit and power of Elijah “ the prophet of old, who lived in the old testament of the bible.
In addition, Jesus himself makes references to reincarnation in the bible, Matt 11:11-15, Jesus also said, “If you can understand this” so He knew it would be difficult to accept, with the level of consciousness at that time in the world, to understand the concept of reincarnation. In that scripture Jesus also confirmed that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of Elijah, the profit of old, that lived thousands of years previously.
In this, it is very clear that John the Baptist was the reincarnation of the spirit of Elijah the prophet, who lived a miraculous life in the old testament of the bible. Elijah, or Elias the old-testament prophet, was again reincarnated as John the Baptist to precede and prepare for the coming and ministry of Jesus Christ. With a high enough level of consciousness this would be very easy for people to believe.
Why would reincarnation be something that Christian believers would have a whole lot of trouble with or trouble believing? Mostly it is due to Christian forefathers who set the parameters of what Christians should believe and should not believe. People in general rarely take the time to look into these things themselves and usually prefer to let religions dictate to them what they should believe or what their doctrines should be. This is a most dangerous approach to understanding God and His kingdom. It is not that hard to search out, but people rarely do it themselves. Religions give people the feeling that they would be incapable of finding these things on their own. And if they do find truth, they would likely be ridiculed or embarrassed into changing directions and putting themselves under the authority of the religion or church, back to where they are told what to believe.
That is not what freedom is, that is bondage, by manipulation and control. That is the essence of witchcraft, which is administrated through fear and the threat of punishment.
If these Christian forefathers were perfect beings, in a perfect environment, in perfect connection to our Father God, I guess that it would be possible to just get it all right and in the right place at the right time, in the right balance. And if they had it right, would the next generation get it right, and would the next and the next and so on. There is much room for error and truth should be searched out individually and if we believe and have faith in God, not allowing us to be deceived, then we can get things directly from the source. I have a revelation from God, He does want us all to know the truth and for that truth to indeed set us free from all bondage, visible or invisible, inside or out.
What if they, the Christian forefathers, were imperfect beings, living in an imperfect world and not in perfect connection to God, then there might be some room for dark forces to eliminate an important truth, to attempt to slow down any process of individual people on this planet in returning to God their source in that particular life time. Would dark forces, committed to our destruction, not try and pervert truth or attempt to keep us away from the truth of God? The mysteries of God are available to all of us but only the ones who seek it out for themselves, from a sincere heart, and make the effort, will ever find it. Can Christian or religious believers be that sure of their roots and be that sure of themselves to think that they have all the facts and all the understanding necessary to positively exclude reincarnation from their belief systems.
What if you were wrong, what if your belief system was incomplete or partially inaccurate, would you want to know about it, or are you content to allow others to decide these things for you. It will cost you in more ways than one, it can also cost you your salvation or your ascension. 
What if part of your belief system was shaped by the dark forces of this world to keep you from understanding some spiritual things that would make a difference in your life and help complete the understanding of your belief system and as a result your life.
What if our belief system will directly affect our salvation, growth and maturity? What if, what you believe moulds your character and shapes your life. What if your salvation or ascension depends on what you believe and how you believe it.
Would you want to know these things or stay in ignorance and self-proclaimed illusions about God, yourself, others and life on earth? What if educating yourself in reality, and what if real and true facts about you and the planet, would change your life for the better, would you want it?
The bible tells us to work out our salvation with fear and trembling or in other words, do it very carefully, it is your future. Does that sound like a one shot thing, does that sound like instant salvation, does that sound like once saved, always saved, does that sound like salvation is obtained forever through a simple payer or magic bullet. Or does that sound like a personal process of obtaining eternal salvation. Instant salvation is born in hell and meant to keep people back from obtaining the true salvation. A simple prayer or confession of faith can start someone on the road to salvation, but it is never instant, it must be followed through to the very end and it is awarded to those who make the effort and overcome the world.
These dark forces have spent a lot of time on earth, learning how to lie, manipulate and deceive and if that doesn’t work, then to mislead, or pervert as much as possible to keep people back from the fullness of understanding truth. This truth would help people to understand who they are, and where they have come from and as a result where they are going and how to get there. We can start the process to help people complete the balance of understanding that it takes to see the truth or a large picture of the truth, but we can’t do it for them. Everyone must find their own way or path to return to their source and receive salvation.
Have you ever wondered, in the bible, before the crucifixion, why Jesus never answered the question of Pontius Pilot, the governor, at His trial, when he asked Jesus, “what is truth”, Jesus answered not a word. If Jesus could have told him what truth was, don’t you think He would have done it. This is because you cannot tell people the truth of God; it must be pursued and experienced individually, to be realized. We must discover and pursue our individual path and divine plan for this life, by experiencing it, it cannot be taught to another, only God can make it all possible, from within us and this takes time.
Our wills play the major role in this process of salvation.
If someone does not choose to believe in reincarnation it will not change the truth of it or the existence of it, it would just limit their ability to understand spiritual things and to understand how to apply these spiritual things to present day life and existence. Lack of belief in reincarnation, leaves too many holes and unanswered questions in life. It leaves too many things in life that appear to be unfair, too many things unexplainable, too many loose ends and leaves everything overall and clearly, incomplete.
Otherwise how do people explain babies being born into life with disabilities, restrictions, limitations, handicaps and other challenges right at birth? How do we explain the situations that babies are born into, like starvation, persecution, and injustices all over the world. And some are born into educated and wealthy families. Some are born into spiritually enlightened families. We generally think that babies are born innocent and pure. This is not the case, or God would not be loving or fair, and we know that God is all of those things and much, much more.
How do we explain the fact that some people have certain individual problems and others don’t. What one person understands, another one doesn’t. Everyone has a different level of spiritual attainment, if we only come around once, we should all be at the same level of development, don’t you think? When one person is better at doing things, that others have problems with, we call those gifts. Where did those gifts come from, if they were not previously developed. If the gifts were not developed in this life, the only other possibility is that the gifts are actually levels of attainment developed in past lives. What one person automatically knows, other people have trouble understanding. Kind of odd, don’t you think, if we all live just one life. Religions will hold onto their traditions, but you don’t have to, unless you want to.
Schizophrenia hits many numbers of people in the world, all around the age of twenty one, is that a coincidence or is it balancing karma from a past life. They however are given a break in their early years to establish a basic character first and a sense of identity before the disease is allowed to strike. Nothing is allowed in our lives, unless it is part of our divine plan for this life. This is very closely monitored by the Divine.
How do we explain sickness, disease and accidents in general? Do we think that they are all just random? What are all of the angels doing that are here on earth to protect us? How come we are not all protected from disaster, in some cases and other situations we are protected. Could we create all of these things and events in just this one life-time? Why do things appear to be unjust in the natural world, could it be that we just don’t understand what is (real-ly) going on or not understand that which is truly real.
Do we think that all of these things are by chance and luck of the draw? If so, where would God be in all of this, there would be billions of angels doing very little.
Do we think that God can create worlds, galaxies and universes but he can’t balance the earth or he can’t bring balance to people’s lives on the earth. Do we think that things in life are all random and accidental? The bible says that God knows how many hairs there are on all of our heads at any given moment in time. God and His kingdom are involved in all of our lives, in absolute incredible detail. Our wills determine how successful that involvement will be in our lives as Gods Kingdom will not allow force, for force is a lower density concept.
Is it maybe possible that everything in our lives is planned, subject to our own decisions that can and will change things? Is their Divine plans for us and will we decide whether or not that plan will actually play out in our lives. Our lives will show the fruit, if we are following God’s plan for us. We will have love, patience, we will be kind, we will be good, be happy, content and at peace, with ourselves and others, if we are in the plan of God. However when we are fulfilling karma, from previous lives, many things can happen, and their will be times in our lives for both the positive and negative.
Is there a universal intelligence that returns to us what we send out and allows us to repeat the process if we do not get it right the first time, or is it one strike and your out. What kind of God would be that cruel or hard core, not a loving one that’s for sure?
Or does God not operate in the realm of reason-ability and understanding at a higher level. Is there more to learn or do we think that we know it all, these are the questions that we all need to answer.
You would have to think that their was something wrong with God or he was a monster of some kind to simply allow wicked things to happen to a supposedly innocent new born child or an innocent person who is experiencing life on planet earth for the first time. This would not make any common sense would it? This would not be an act of a loving God, would it? So should we say that God is not loving or should we be willing to change our views, if they are inaccurate.
On the other hand, maybe that particular child had something to do with the limitations that it was born with, maybe the child even agreed to start this life with certain limitations and maybe the child is balancing some karma or mistakes that was spilling over from a previous life existence on planet earth. And just maybe if you knew the whole story, like God does, you would agree with what happens to people in this life instead of making unqualified judgments.
Maybe you would begin to understand why bad things happen to supposedly good people. Or is there something that we do not know about them, that God does know.
God wants us to know all of the mysteries of life but we need to seek them with all of our hearts out of love and sincerity. We also need to be open and not assume that we have the answers or that are present belief system is infallible and can not be challenged by a new truth or brought to a higher level of truth. Quite frequently people or religions don’t receive the truth because they think that they already have it and so God himself cannot change their belief systems, if people adamantly want to hold on to their past and present belief systems.
If we want more, God and His kingdom will supply it. It is the density of this world that wipes out the previous life memories, but once in a while someone will remember their past life experiences. Actually if a person focuses on remembering past life experiences they will begin to remember. Some people, of course are better than others, when it comes to remembering, but all of the memories are inside of us, waiting to be revealed.
Why would it be so bad to believe in previous lives on planet earth? There are people in this world that have remembered a previous life existence and described the life and place in detail to other people. The facts of many of these cases were later checked out and proven to be true and accurate. How would anyone be able to explain the sudden remembering of past lives, without the existence of reincarnation on planet earth? Why do we do certain things and we react to certain things that do not make sense in this present life. Why do we all have (so called) natural abilities that we never learned in this lifetime.
Some people gravitate to music and excel, just like they had previous experience. Some people take to sports and other activities, just like a fish takes to water. Could they have developed these things in other lifetimes on the planet? While other people do not like certain types of activities because they do not do well at it, and they do not have any interest. Is there no interest because they have never developed this ability or skill previously?
The only other spirits that know a lot of the past truth are dark spirits and they are attempting to keep people from believing in reincarnation, other wise they would be working against themselves. It sure would not be dark spirits giving out that information; they do not want people to believe in reincarnation, or the existence of the spiritual realm at all. They want us to keep believing that God is outside of us, not inside where there is the ability to change. They want us to believe that God is not interested in us and we might as well stay separate from Him, or that he is a strict judge and wants to punish us, so that we avoid God.
They do not want people to know that they lived before, otherwise there would have to be some kind of divine plan to fulfill in this life to balance what was done in other lives. It would make people think about connecting with God their source. The dark spirits would rather keep us away from this kind of thinking altogether.
They would rather keep us thinking we are trapped here against our wills and we are victims, with things happening to us, beyond our control. They would try to convince us that we cannot change anything, when the truth is, that we can change everything from the inside out. These dark entities would have us believe that the material world is all there is to life and so lets just party and forget about spiritual things and trying to understand them, just have fun and forget it. Wouldn’t that keep us trapped in many lifetimes of negativity and maybe cause our death, many times physically and then eventually spiritually.
They would like us to think that it is not possible for us to understand God or spiritual things. They would like us to believe that God does not want us to know the truth, that God purposely withholds truth from us. Nothing could be further from the truth. Truth is available to all people and God isn’t judging anyone, He wants us all to know the truth. When this life is over and we go to the next level or dimension of existence, we will be viewing our lives, in video, sound and color and we will be our own judge.
Even the bible talks about God hiding the mysteries of life for the righteous or the spiritual seekers, not hiding them from his people. He reveals truth to those who will honor it and not pervert it, to keep us from destroying ourselves with the energy or power of God, if it is miss-qualified into destructive directions.
Dark spirits would sooner have us not believe in God at all, but if that is not possible then the next best step for darkness is to help us believe in religion and false salvation that is based on some prayer or decree that will give us instant salvation. Or they would like us to believe that God is out there somewhere far away, doesn’t have time for us, doesn’t care about us much, and would sooner judge us and punish us anyway when he gets the opportunity. The objective, of course, is to keep us away from God, where we could receive help and restoration.
The revelation that dark entities do not want us to know is that the kingdom of God is within us. Gods spirit is right inside of us and we have unlimited capability and potential and unlimited capacity and we are all individualization's or expressions of God himself on earth, but we are blinded by our own human ego’s. We can look inside of us and reach God in a flash and that there is nothing impossible to us and we are totally unlimited beings carrying the divinity of God within us.
In the bible Jesus gave us one of the most significant revelations that could be given to man when he said” the kingdom of God does not come with observation, but that the kingdom of God is within you”. You can be a direct part of the second coming of Christ if you fully understood that concept or spiritual teaching. The Christ consciousness or the Christ mind is within us and available to all of us, without exception. The second coming of Christ, is not so much about the physical person of Christ coming to earth, He is already here, in six billion plus extensions of God. And you will determine whether He will find faith on the earth.
What dark spirits want us to believe about Jesus is that he is the only son of God and is away above us and can do things perfectly and that we could never be like him. We can only be worthy to worship him but never be like him. Jesus does not need our worship; he is complete as He is now, in need of nothing and so is God the father. What are we going to give God that he doesn’t already have in abundance? What is God short of or what is he lacking, that He needs this worship.
We are all sons of God.
Oh foolish man, praise and worship is not for God or Jesus, it is for the people to become more conscious of themselves and to become more conscious of spiritual things and to incorporate it into their daily lives. It will encourage people to believe in God and to pray and to contact God continuously, but there is always a better or higher way or truth. Take the high road of truth and no longer settle for the incomplete. Jesus said in scripture, I am your older brother showing you a better way, even greater things shall you do when I go to the Father, you are the light of the world. He wanted us to follow His example and to attain God consciousness.
Jesus even showed us how to reach the point of transfiguration, ascension and how to resurrect in the end of our life, and to ascend into heaven with your own body in the likeness of your earthly body. Jesus said “ he who believes in me shall not see death. Let this mind be in you, that was also in Christ Jesus. Jesus wanted to duplicate himself through us, when will we let it happen.
He is the resurrection and the life, we are the resurrection and the life, when they have seen Jesus, they have seen the father, when they have seen us, they have seen the father. Jesus said, “I and the father are one”, we and the father are one. Everything that Jesus was, we can be in this world. Jesus is the I am that I am, we are the I am that I am. Knowing that Divine I am, is God awareness of our own existence, that we are and can be more than we are right now. God’s Kingdom is continually expanding and God is continually expanding, as we all are continually expanding into the more. We are developing as self conscious beings with God awareness. God is exploring Himself through us. 
The understanding of reincarnation in fact, is a stepping stone to understand other truths of God and spiritual things like karma, healing previous life problems or previous present life problems, that need to be resolved or re-solved here in this life. To understand the divine plans of God for our lives here on earth and basically why bad things happen to apparently good people or people that appear to be good in this life, we need to believe in reincarnation as a spiritual truth. This belief will, like no other, fill in the blanks and the holes in our belief systems and give us a more perfect image of reality.
If we can better understand our mistakes in other lifetimes we can better understand how to balance them in this lifetime. This may require understanding of previous life events, their effect on present life and how to find healing in this life-time. Dark spirits do not want people to know these things, they are very glad when people refuse to believe in reincarnation. The concept of reincarnation leads us into understanding God, others, ourselves and life in general. It also connects us with God, and our freedom or salvation then, is between God and ourselves only.
 There is negative karma and positive karma and they both affect our lives along the way. Positive Karma will keep blessings pouring in when, in the natural world, it does not seem justified. And in turn negative things might happen, when in the natural world, it might seem unjustified.
It is comforting to know that things and events do not happen randomly but are carefully orchestrated or allowed by the universe for valid reasons that are embedded in previous lives and present lives. The personal negative karma that is built up over long periods of time eventually plays out in our lives in the form of disasters or traumatic experiences. This balances that karma or negative energy and the process is all over or finished for that particular area of our lives and we can start over new.
This may occur personally or collectively.
For example, personally someone who sexually abused someone else in a past lifetime may find themselves being abused in this lifetime to balance that Karma by experiencing the negativity that they caused in others. Or in a future lifetime they might choose to set up an organization to help abused people to help balance their karma. Every situation is as unique and individual, as our finger prints.
Or if someone killed themselves in a past life by jumping off a cliff, they might have to overcome low self esteem, self destruction and the fear of heights and fear of falling. When the karma or mistakes have been balanced and overcome, there is no more need for that particular thing in our lives. The fear of anything must eventually be overcome and eliminated from our lives, no matter how long it takes, the universe has lots of time to wait for us, if we desire to linger in time.
Mass karma that is developed in the human masses or in the mass consciousness, over a long time, builds up and eventually becomes a natural disaster or catastrophic events and sometimes a lot of people get hurt or killed in the process. This could be in a particular area, or country or the entire world. In these cases, the angels protect the innocent people, that were not directly a part of creating that particular negative karma, that caused the disaster and have no reason to experience it.
We sometimes think that these things are random and indiscriminate but they are very carefully calculated and monitored and the people that are affected are the ones that helped to create the negative mass consciousness of energy that eventually caused the natural disaster. This then purifies the energy and it can be reused for good things.
It is still a terrible thing but it helps to understand that God does not create a disaster, actually we as human beings created it by sending out negative energy. But God allows it to happen to help us balance our created negative karma. Love always wants to forgive and restore what was damaged.
As co-creators with God, everything in this world was re-created by human beings, weather it is negative or positive. We are the creators of our world and our lives. Nothing is created on this planet unless it comes through or the result of human beings in embodiment. Everything that exists now on earth, is a result of what we have done with what God gave us and taking responsibility for that is important. We constantly create, what is good for us, or what is bad for us, whether we are aware of it or not or weather we like it or not. What will we create, this is the only question?
We have a constant stream of God or cosmic energy flowing into us that we send out and use to create our lives around us. We can create negative karma or we can create positive karma. Negative creations and positive creations we can and do create, the choice is ours, we have the free will and God does not take it back, even if we misuse the pure energy, he just waits for us to wake up and make a better decision.
Whenever people have gone down the wrong path, made the wrong decisions or done the wrong things, our souls were damaged and fragmented. Healing is a process of replacing wrong or incomplete thinking and feeling with more perfect thinking and feeling resulting in better decisions and then having our souls parts returned to us to make us whole again.
When we head in a better direction of healing and wholeness, the heavenly beings will assist us with our quest for a constructive way of life. All problems or mistakes were all meant to be overcome and mastered.
If we are only healing things from this life time, we will wonder why it is incomplete, unless we go back to previous lifetimes, and then it all fits together and makes more perfect sense. Inner healing has to be taken back to previous lifetimes to really solve some age-old problems and limitations in people’s lives.
It would be impossible to understand the truth of God in the proper balance without believing in the concept of reincarnation. We should be attempting to understand past mistakes and determine to balance these past mistakes in this present lifetime.
If we do not get it right and balance this karma, we can always come around again, it is our own choice.
However God does not wait forever and if we as human beings continually refuse to balance our karma and we keep continually producing more negative karma, there will come at time or point of no return and your soul will be snuffed out and the energy returned to the energy pool and you will be no more, as your particular identity. This is what the bible calls the second death or the lake of fire as the souls are extinguished in the spiritual lake of Gods spiritual fire. This is not punishment or suffering, it is instant annihilation. God is love and this happens only when people have given him no other choice. To let people go on in that state of lower consciousness and suffering would be cruel and loveless.
This final death then becomes an act of love. And in addition, this second death is not hell and punishment, but complete annihilation and the energy will be recreated into new souls.
Reincarnation is both truth and fact, but you do not have to believe in it, it is still truth. One minute after you refused to believe in it, it is still there and it is not intimidated by our unbelief. Our choice to not believe in it, changes it not, just like our refusal to believe in God will not change God or his kingdom. If we choose to disbelieve, we are left in our choice until we make a better one, however many lifetimes we choose to take. But if we do choose to believe in these things they will benefit us, our lives and people around us and will make a better world..
Attainment and advancement you will experience from believing in reincarnation, and this is to develop more understanding in God, in Gods kingdom and in the truth about God, about us, and about the world. Where God came from, where we came from, where we are going and everything in between we will learn. God’s spiritual kingdom, the soul world we live in, the mental world we live in, the emotional world we live in, the material world we live in, all makes sense and we can understand what it’s all about, if we seek it from God, out of desire, love and surrender.
Reincarnation in the Kingdom of God, and our world, will continue whether we like it or not, whether we believe it or not or whether we want it or not. If you choose not to believe it in this life, you will not benefit by it, it will bring you no comfort or clarity on truth, but you will never change it and you will believe it after you die, this is for certain, you will then be planning your next life experience.
Western people think reincarnation is an eastern belief and therefore must be a wrong belief. Are we really shallow enough to believe that God does not care about eastern people and would not have attempted to give them the truth, just like He attempts to give us the truth. The eastern religions were more receptive to reincarnation, because they had fewer restrictions on believing that particular truth. They had leaders that taught them reincarnation and they had no reason, not to believe it.
However the eastern religions did take things too far, when they go into reincarnating into animals, there is no such truth that exists. Westerners on the other hand, were robbed by their religions that refused to give them the full truth, for the fear that their great religious idols of religion, might not survive in the process. Manipulation and control was the motivation for this elimination of the truth of reincarnation.
The east and the west will eventually agree, but it will take much time to materialize.
Over 1\2 of the world’s population believe in the concept of reincarnation or the living of multiple lives....
If you believe that reincarnation is not true, than don’t read this, oh sorry too late for that, well you might want to make a different decision now, or at least go to God, with an open mind, and He will give you the truth on reincarnation, go ahead and ask Him, He is waiting for you.

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